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Customer Terms & Conditions
for Bookings & Carriage
NEO Taxi Company Limited
Jersey Registered Company No. 147144
T/A "NEO Taxi" under Registered Business Name No. 32876
and Authorised by the Jersey Minister for Infrastructure to operate as a Taxi-Cab Business
(“the Company”)
All Bookings accepted by the Company and the consequent Carriage of Customers undertaken by Drivers will be bound by these terms and conditions and Customers will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted them when Booking.
Therefore in order to protect your own interests you are advised to read these terms and conditions carefully before accepting them. If you need clarification on any of these terms or conditions please contact the Company via
These Terms & Conditions cannot be varied except in writing by the Company
The Company acts as agent for the hiring of licensed Jersey Taxi-Cabs and therefore once received by the Company your Booking is passed to a Driver who upon acceptance of the Booking assumes primary responsibility to the Customer to fulfill the Booking under the following terms and conditions:
1. All fares are settled direct with the Driver in Cash or by Credit / Debit Card at the end of a Journey unless a Taxi Account has been opened in advance. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that they have the means of payment that can be accepted by their Driver before commencing the Journey.
2. All Bookings are subject to a £1 BOOKING FEE which will be waived should your Taxi not arrive within 5 minutes of the agreed pick up time, without the prior agreement of the Customer. The £1 BOOKING FEE is payable by the Customer via the Driver only upon completion of each Journey along with the Taxi Fare, as per the Taxi Meter.
3. Credit / Debit Card payments are NOT charged any extra surcharge.
4. Receipts are provided by your Driver only upon request.
5. No responsibility is accepted to a Customer for any actual or consequential financial or professional losses, missed travel connections (flights, boats etc.) due to the late or non-arrival of any Taxi-Cab.
Customers are advised to contact the Company or Driver direct on the same day as travel to re-confirm the booking if their Journey is time critical.
6. No responsibility is accepted to a Customer for any actual or consequential financial or professional losses, missed travel connections (flights, boats etc.) due to adverse weather, prevailing traffic conditions or any other events that negatively influence Journey times.
Customers are advised to allow for unexpected delays when Booking if their Journey is time critical.
7. Licensed Taxi-Cabs are insured for Passenger and third party claims, however Customer personal property is carried entirely at their own risk and neither the Company nor the Driver shall be liable or held responsible for any loss or damage to said property.
8. The Company and our Drivers reserve the right to refuse to carry any Passengers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs and / or who in the opinion of the Driver are “Unfit to Travel” (in accordance with DVS Regulations) as they pose a threat to the Safety of Driver, to other Passengers, to the vehicle, to members of the Public or to the safe operation of the vehicle. Any Journeys terminated early because of the behaviour of one of more or the Passengers will be charged the fare on the Taxi Meter at that time.
9 . Should the vehicle be soiled (with Bodily Fluids, Food, Drink or any other Substance) by any Passenger a minimum charge of £100 will be made to the Customer who made the booking (whether or not they were the Passenger who soiled the vehicle) to compensate the Driver for cleaning the vehicle and for loss of earnings whilst doing so. Any extra charges incurred for required additional professional valeting will also be charged to the Customer. Any unpaid Soling Charges will be recovered via the Petty Debts Court if necessary.
10.. The fares charged are calculated by the sealed Taxi Meter fitted in each Taxi-Cab in accordance with the Tariff Card displayed in each vehicle as per DVS licensing regulations.
11. If you are unsure of the likely fare for your Journey please ask the Company or the Driver before travelling, however any estimate of a fare will have been offered in good faith only and neither the Company nor our Drivers can be held responsible for any variations from the fare actually calculated on the Taxi Meter upon arrival at a destination unless a fixed fare has been agreed in writing by the Company in advance of travel.
12. The Company and our Drivers will take all reasonable actions to ensure the Taxi-Cab is waiting in an appropriate place for a Customer to locate however it is the obligation of a Customer to actively seek out the Taxi-Cab booked and to provide a working mobile or land line telephone number as a contact number for the arriving Driver to use to notify of their arrival.
13.. In the event of a non-working or non-answered phone number (which includes calls answered by voicemail or ansaphone) the Driver will wait for the Customer for a maximum of 5 minutes past the Booking time.
14. The taxi meter will be turned on when the Customer enters the Taxi-Cab.
15. If after 5 minutes past the booking time the Customer has not entered the Taxi-Cab a further call may be made with the Customer being informed that the Taxi meter will be turned on and if the Customer has still not entered the vehicle after a further 5 minutes the Taxi-Cab may depart at the sole discretion of the Driver. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that they board the Taxi-Cab promptly to keep the fare to a minimum.
16.. References in these terms & conditions to “our Driver” or “Drivers” refers solely to the Taxi-Cab Drivers that are affiliated to the Company. At busy periods your Booking may be passed to a Driver from another Company in which case their Terms & Conditions (including Fare Tariffs) will apply instead.
17.. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between a Customer and the Driver all Fixed Price Bookings are 1 pick-up and 1 drop off. Deviation from this arrangement without 24 hours written notice and a revised Fixed Price agreed in writing by the Company will result in the fare reverting to a metered fare.
18.. Bookings are not deemed accepted by the Company until the Customer has been sent a confirmation by Text or WhatsApp message by the Company.
19.. Any Bookings made by a Customer direct with a Driver and are not subsequently confirmed by the Company itself are deemed to be private Bookings solely between that Driver and the Customer and therefore the Company accepts no responsibility for such Bookings.
These Terms & Conditions are effective from 17 July 2023 until amended by the Company in writing otherwise.
NEO Taxi Company Limited - Registered in Jersey No. 1471144